『국가수리과학연구소, 산업수학-응용대수기하분야 국제학회』
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Date 08/03/2015 - 08/07/2015
Location NIMS
Sponsor: SIAM Activity Group on Algebraic Geometry
All sessions will be held at National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
The purpose of the SIAM Activity Group in Algebraic Geometry is to bring together researchers who use algebraic geometry in industrial and applied mathematics. "Algebraic geometry" is interpreted broadly to include at least: algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, noncommutative algebra, symbolic and numeric computation, algebraic and geometric combinatorics, representation theory, and algebraic topology.
These methods have already seen applications in: biology, coding theory, cryptography, combustion, computational geometry, computer graphics, quantum computing, control theory, geometric design, complexity theory, machine learning, nonlinear partial differential equations, optimization, robotics, and statistics.
We welcome participation from both theoretical mathematical areas and application areas not on this list which fall under this broadly interpreted notion of algebraic geometry and its applications.
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry is a satellite conference of the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2015)

2015 SIAM Conference
Applied Algebraic Geometry(AG15)
National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Daejeon, South Korea
August 3-7, 2015
Local Organizing Committee
David Hyeon Seoul National University, South Korea
Sijong Kwak KAIST, South Korea
Hyungju Park POSTECH, South Korea
Bernd Sturmfels UC Berkeley, USA
Ruriko Yoshida University of Kentucky, USA
Program Committee
Peter Burgisser TU Berlin, Germany
David Hyeon Seoul National University, South Korea
Jon-Lark Kim Sogang University, South Korea
JM Landsberg Texas A&M University, USA
Pablo A.Parrilo Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Michael Stillman Cornell University, USA
Akimichi Takemura University of Tokyo, Japan
Lihong Zhi Academia Sinica, China
Plenary Speakers
Wolfram Decker Universitat Kaiserslautern, Germany
Jonathan Hauenstein University of Natre Dame, USA
June Huh Princeton University, USA
Minhyong Kim University of Oxford, United Kingdom and Ewha Women's University, South Korea
Ketan Mulmuley University of Chicago, USA
Giorgio Ottaviani Universita; diFirenze, Italy
Madhu Sudan Microsoft, USA
Rekha Thomas University of Washington, USA
Judy Walker University of Nebraska, USA
Conference Co-chairs
Greg Blekherman Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Joachim Rosenthal University of Zurich, Switzerland
SIAM Activity Group on Algebraic Geometry
Korean Mathematical Society
GAIA (Center for Geometry and its Applications), POSTECH