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Introduction for the application of mathematics to understand complex biological systems

등록일자 : 2015-09-19
  • 발표자  김재경 교수 (KAIST)
  • 기간  2015-09-22 ~

NIMS 콜로퀴움

□ 연사: 김재경 교수 (KAIST)
일시: 2015년 9월 22일(화) 16시30분
장소: 국가수리과학연구소 수학원리응용센터 대강당
제목 : Introduction for the application of mathematics to understand complex biological systems


 The revolution of molecular biology in the early 1980s has revealed complex network of non-linear and stochastic biochemical interactions underlying biological systems. To understand this complex system, mathematical modeling has been widely used.
 In this talk, I will introduce the typical process of applying mathematical models to biological systems including mathematical representation of biological systems, model fitting to data, analysis and simulations, and experimental validation. I will also describe our efforts to develop and integrate mathematical tools across the different steps of the modeling process. 

 Finally, I will discuss the shortcomings of our present approach and how they point to the parts of current toolbox of mathematical biology that need further mathematical development.

Introduction for the application of mathematics to understand complex biological systems. 자세한 내용은 본문 참조

NIMS 콜로퀴움

□ 연사: 김재경 교수 (KAIST)
일시: 2015년 9월 22일(화) 16시30분
장소: 국가수리과학연구소 수학원리응용센터 대강당
제목 : Introduction for the application of mathematics to understand complex biological systems


 The revolution of molecular biology in the early 1980s has revealed complex network of non-linear and stochastic biochemical interactions underlying biological systems. To understand this complex system, mathematical modeling has been widely used.
 In this talk, I will introduce the typical process of applying mathematical models to biological systems including mathematical representation of biological systems, model fitting to data, analysis and simulations, and experimental validation. I will also describe our efforts to develop and integrate mathematical tools across the different steps of the modeling process. 

 Finally, I will discuss the shortcomings of our present approach and how they point to the parts of current toolbox of mathematical biology that need further mathematical development.

Introduction for the application of mathematics to understand complex biological systems. 자세한 내용은 본문 참조

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