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Marginal deformations as lower dimensional D-Brane solutions in open string field theory

박찬용 | Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53/4 (2008)

By direct calculation we showed that a finite analytic solution for marginal deformation of open string field theory, by a matter primary operator with singular OPE, can be obtained to all orders in the deformation parameter. In particular, we obtained solutions that describe lower dimensional D-branes and our results agree with the results obtained when the same problem is treated in the world-sheet conformal field theory language.



Magnon like solutions for strings in I-brane background

박찬용 | Journal of High Energy Physics 2008/8 (2008)

We study the solutions for fundamental string rotating in a background generated by a 1+1 dimensional intersection of two orthogonal stacks of fivebranes in type IIB string theory. We show the existence of magnon like solutions for the string moving simultaneously in the two spheres in this background and find the relevant dispersion relation among the various conserved charges.



On functional Inequalities originating from module Jordan left derivations

강선영 | Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2008 (2008)

We first examine the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of functional inequality associated with module Jordan left derivation (resp., module Jordan derivation). Secondly, we study the functional inequality with linear Jordan left derivation (resp., linear Jordan derivation) mapping into the Jacobson radical.



Approximation of generalized Left erivations

강선영 | Abstract and Applied Analysis 2008 (2008)

We need to take account of the superstability for generalized left derivations (resp., generalized derivations) associated with a Jensen-type functional equation, and we also deal with problems for the Jacobson radical ranges of left derivations (resp., derivations).



On the stability for cubic functional equation of mixed type

강선영 | Dynamic Systems and Applications 17 (2008)

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we consider the general solution for a mixed type cubic functional equation lf( m−1∑ i=1 xi + lxm)+ lf( m−1∑ i=1 xi − lxm)+ 2 m−1∑ i=1 f(lxi) = 2lf( m−1∑ i=1 xi)+ l 3 m−1∑ i=1 [f(xi + xm)+ f(xi − xm)], where l ≥ 2 and m ≥ 3 are any integers and investigate the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of this equation.



On the infinite products derived from theta series II

김대열 | Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 45/5 (2008)

Let k be an imaginary quadratic field, the complex upper half plane, and let tau is an element of h boolean AND k, q = e(pi it). For n, t is an element of Z(+) with 1 <= t <= n-1, set n = z.2(t) (z = 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15) with l >= 0 integer. Then we show that q (n/12 - t/2 + t2/2n) Pi(infinity)(m=1) (1 - q(nm-t)) (1 - q(nm-(n-t))) are algebraic numbers.


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