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Gravitational-wave constraints on the equatorial ellipticity of millisecond pulsars

등록일자 :


  • 저자R. Abbott et al.,김환선,손재주,오상훈,오정근
  • 학술지The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2041-8205), 902, L21 ~ -
  • 등재유형SCIE
  • 게재일자 20201012
We present a search for continuous gravitational waves from five radio pulsars, comprising three recycled pulsars (PSR J0437?4715, PSR J0711?6830, and PSR J0737?3039A) and two young pulsars: the Crab pulsar (J0534+2200) and the Vela pulsar (J0835?4510).

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