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Elliptic equations with measurable nonlinearities in nonsmooth domains


  • 저자Sun-Sig Byun, Youchan Kim
  • 학술지Advances in Mathematics 288
  • 등재유형
  • 게재일자(2016)

We study elliptic equations with measurable nonlinearities in nonsmooth domains. We establish an optimal global W1,p estimate under the condition that the associated nonlinearity is allowed to be merely measurable in one variable but has a sufficiently small BMO semi-norm in the other variables, while the underlying domain is sufficiently flat in the Reifenberg sense that the boundary of the domain is locally trapped between two narrow strips.

We study elliptic equations with measurable nonlinearities in nonsmooth domains. We establish an optimal global W1,p estimate under the condition that the associated nonlinearity is allowed to be merely measurable in one variable but has a sufficiently small BMO semi-norm in the other variables, while the underlying domain is sufficiently flat in the Reifenberg sense that the boundary of the domain is locally trapped between two narrow strips.

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