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8월 NIMS 산업문제세미나(삼성전자 이원석 상무/14.8.28(목))

등록일자 : 2014-08-27
8월의 NIMS 산업문제세미나를 아래와 같이 공지하오니, 많은 관심과 참석 바랍니다.

이원석 상무님은 SIAM에서 발간한 'Mathematics in Industry' 보고서의 집필에 참여하신 분으로, 수학의 산업적 기여에 관한 흥미로운 사례 소개 및 유익한 제언을 해주실 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

[ 8월 NIMS 산업문제세미나 ]

1.연사: 이원석 상무(삼성전자 Software R&D Center)

2.일시: 2014년8월28일(목) 오전 11시

3.장소: 국가수리과학연구소수학원리응용센터세미나실

4.제목: Applied Mathematics in Industry, an Example - Fluid Flow within Microchannels with Superhyhobic Walls

Abstract: Superhyhobic micro-structured surfaces utilize a combination of chemical treatment and microscale surface topography to increase the hyhobicity of a surface. Superhyhobic surfaces exhibit a number of interesting properties such as dramatically decreased wettability and reduced friction in laminar flows. These characteristics make them a potential enabling technology for a variety of applications including microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip devices, self-cleaning surfaces, and reduction.

In this talk, we discuss the reduction capability of the microstructured surfaces to understand the fundamental interfacial phenomena that allow these surfaces to exhibit such properties. Along with experimental efforts, numerical simulations and theoretical studies have been conducted. Among those parallel efforts, in this seminar, we focus on the analytic solution method using conformal mapping to solve pressure driven fluid flow problems under mixed boundary conditions within microchannel.
8월의 NIMS 산업문제세미나를 아래와 같이 공지하오니, 많은 관심과 참석 바랍니다.

이원석 상무님은 SIAM에서 발간한 'Mathematics in Industry' 보고서의 집필에 참여하신 분으로, 수학의 산업적 기여에 관한 흥미로운 사례 소개 및 유익한 제언을 해주실 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

[ 8월 NIMS 산업문제세미나 ]

1.연사: 이원석 상무(삼성전자 Software R&D Center)

2.일시: 2014년8월28일(목) 오전 11시

3.장소: 국가수리과학연구소수학원리응용센터세미나실

4.제목: Applied Mathematics in Industry, an Example - Fluid Flow within Microchannels with Superhyhobic Walls

Abstract: Superhyhobic micro-structured surfaces utilize a combination of chemical treatment and microscale surface topography to increase the hyhobicity of a surface. Superhyhobic surfaces exhibit a number of interesting properties such as dramatically decreased wettability and reduced friction in laminar flows. These characteristics make them a potential enabling technology for a variety of applications including microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip devices, self-cleaning surfaces, and reduction.

In this talk, we discuss the reduction capability of the microstructured surfaces to understand the fundamental interfacial phenomena that allow these surfaces to exhibit such properties. Along with experimental efforts, numerical simulations and theoretical studies have been conducted. Among those parallel efforts, in this seminar, we focus on the analytic solution method using conformal mapping to solve pressure driven fluid flow problems under mixed boundary conditions within microchannel.

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