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Innovation Center for Industrial Mathematics, ICIM

Industrial Mathematical Innovation Center (http://icim.nims.re.kr)

I'd like to come up with a new solution to the problems that business and society face with industrial mathematics.

The Innovation Center for Industrial Sciences (ICIM) actively explores the technical challenges faced by businesses and society to find innovative solutions using math. The center's modulators are working together to help companies improve productivity and innovate. Together with the Industrial Mathematical Innovation Center, you can use math as a key element in solving business challenges and developing innovative products.

Globally, the fourth industrial revolution, which consists of convergence, complex technologies and software innovations such as artificial intelligence, robot technology, and life sciences, is rapidly spreading. With bio-certification, AI robot, unmanned car, quantum computer development, climate change response, and space development competition emerging, the mathematical analysis technology has recently emerged as the core of industrial innovation, taking advantage of mathematical theories and analysis methods.

In order for industrial mathematics to be activated, labs and universities that solve problems for companies and industries that present real problems need an industrial math hub that maintains close partnerships and interacts with each other. The National Institute of Mathematics and Technology established its own R&D human resources and rapidly solve problems. In 2016, many leading IT companies and startups in Korea were able to respond in a timely manner. The Industrial Mathematical Innovation Center operates industrial math ignition programs, industrial problem discovery seminars, research exchange seminars, industrial math academy, and roundtable to reduce barriers between universities, research institutes and companies and establish its position as an industrial math hub.

Innovation Center for Industrial Mathematics
Tel. +82-31-5171-5200