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Sensing and Vetoing Loud Transient Noises for the Gravitational-Wave Detection

등록일자 :


  • 저자Keun-Young KIM,Pil-Jong JUNG,손재주,오상훈,오정근
  • 학술지JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (0374-4884), 73(9), 1197 ~ 1210
  • 등재유형SCI
  • 게재일자 20181112
Since the first detection of gravitational-wave (GW), GW150914, September 14th 2015, the multimessenger astronomy added a new way of observing the Universe together with electromagnetic (EM) waves and neutrinos. After two years, GW together with its EM counterpart from binary neutron stars, GW170817 and GRB170817A, has been observed. The detection of GWs opened a new window of astronomy/astrophysics and will be an important messenger to understand the Universe. In this article, we briefly review the gravitational-wave and the astrophysical sources and introduce the basic principle of the laser interferometer as a gravitational-wave detector and its noise sources to understand how the gravitational-waves are detected in the laser interferometer. Finally, we summarize the search algorithms currently used in the gravitational-wave observatories and the detector characterization algorithms used to suppress noises and to monitor data quality in order to improve the reach of the astrophysica

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