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Cooperative research with experts of industrial math and Math popularization

Cooperative research with experts of industrial math and Math popularization

NIMS has operated various mathematical culture-related programs for the spread of social values of mathematics, such as the resolution of industrial problems through math and an increase in social interest in mathematics. Various programs have been planned and developed to help individuals across all age groups to easily understand and find interest in the basic principles of mathematics, thus cultivating a culture of mathematics that is friendly and public in addition to removing negative perceptions of mathematics, including a perception that math is essentially difficult.

Key Initiatives

  • Spreading of an industrial mathematics culture and the development of programs for the general public
  • Strengthening of public awareness to spread an industrial mathematics culture
  • Strengthening of customized activities for the spread of an industrial mathematics culture
  • Utilization of NIMS research and acceleration of sharing
  • Operation of undergraduate training and post-doctorate programs and an industrial mathematics academy
Young Mathematician Camp, Public Lectures, NIMS IMAGINARY, The Camp for Sharing Joy in Mathematics
Division of Advanced Researches for Industrial Mathematicspin Woo, Young-Ho
Tel. +82-31-5171-5204