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Data Analysis for International Science Experiments

Data Analysis for International Science Experiments

To study algorithms to efficiently analyze scientific experiment data Detection and analysis of astrophysical transient events Development of analysis tools for international gravitational wave experiment data


  • Big science requires international collaboration
  • NIMS has one of the best institue where researchers study gravitational-wave (GW) data analysis since it has joined LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) in 2009 as a member of Korean Gravitational Wave Group (KGWG).
  • Data anlaysis pipelines such as low-latency pipeline and offline pipeline should be prepared before Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA detectors come online.
  • A great oportunity to contribute the first detection of GW and major progress of science
  • Gravitationa-wave experiments requires status-of-the-art multidisciplinary studies such as mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science and engineering.
  • Big scientific experiment data analysis promotes the domestic utilization and development of HPC.

Expected effect

과학실험의 국제화
과학실험의 국제화
  • Utilization of data analysis algorithms for a module of GW analysis pipeline
  • Multidisciplinary study among different fields of science and institutes
    - Supernova detection
    - Classification of events deteced by future observational facilities such as LSST and SKA
  • Research and applications to maximize the positive impact of mathematical analytic methods of large-scale amounts of scientific data.
  • Contribute to computational science fields by yielding data and principles applicable to practical problems encountered in the field of high-performance computing.
  • Strengthening research and development capability and globalization by involvement in international scientific collaboration
Division of Computational Mathematicspin Sang Hoon Oh
Tel. +82-42-717-5718