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Scholarship Event

Total Posts 73

2010 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop "Population Genetics Theory & Biological Sciences"


2010-01-18 ~ 2010-01-20 |호텔스파피아

- 국내의 과학사회에 집단유전학과 같은, 중요하지만 활발하지 않은 연구와 기술 분야를 소개  - 진화, 생태학, 농업, 의학 , 그리고 수학에 걸쳐 진단 유전학의 이론과 응용에 관심을 갖고 있는 다양한 분야의 연구자들 간 의 교류를 활성화하고자 한다. 이를 통하여 국내의 전문가들 사이의 협력관계를 형성하여 새로운 연구 아이디어를 구상하고 공동연구를 통해 연구의 발전을 도모



International Conference on Mirror Symmetry and Gromov-Witten Theory


2010-01-11 ~ 2010-01-15 |서울대학교

Period: January 11 ~ 15 2010 Venue : #101 Sangsan Mathematical Science Building Seoul National University ▣ Organizers Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto University) Bumsig Kim (KIAS) Yong-Geun Oh (NIMS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison) ▣ Invited Speakers 1-hour talk Mohammed Abouzaid (Clay Institute, MIT) Andrei Caldararu (University of Wisconsin) Kwok Wai Chan (Harvard University) Cheol-Hyun Cho (Seoul National University) Kentaro Hori (IPMU) Yunfeng Jiang (University of Utah) Ludmil Katzarkov (University of Miami) Yukiko Konishi (Kyoto University) Conan Leung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Kentaro Nagao (RIMS, Kyoto University) Hiroshi Ohta (Nagoya University) Yongbin Ruan (University of Michigan) Jake Solomon (Einstien Institute of Mathematics, Jerusalem) Atsushi Takahashi (Osaka University) Kazushi Ueda (Osaka University) 30-min talk Garrett Alston (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison) Lino Amorim (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)  International Conference on Mirror Symmetry and Gromov-Witten Theory



2009 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on Algebraic Combinatorics


2009-12-14 ~ 2009-12-15 |KAIST (Daejeon Korea)

Sponsors: NIMS(National Institute for Mathematical Sciences) Korea ASARC(Algebraic Structure and its Applications Research Center) KAIST Korea BK21 KAIST Korea Sungkyunkwan University Korea Ajou University Korea Date: December 14(Mon) - 15(Tues) 2009 Venue: KAIST (Daejeon Korea) Organizers: Cho, Soojin (Ajou University, Korea) Kim, Dongsu (KAIST, Korea) Sagan, Bruce (Michigan State University and National Science Foundation, USA ) Yee, Ae Ja (Pennsylvania State University, USA) Invited Speakers: Ardila, Federico/San Francisco State University, USA Gessel, Ira/Brandeis University, USA Haglund, James/University of Pennsylvania, USA Kim, Sangwook /George Mason University, USA Kwon, Jae-Hoon /University of Seoul, Korea Okada, Soichi /Nagoya University, Japan Sagan, Bruce /Michigan State University and National Science Foundation, USA Seo, Seunghyun/Kangwon National University, Korea Terada, Itaru/University of Tokyo, Japan Wachs, Michelle/University of Miami, USA Yee, Ae Ja/Pennsylvania State University, USA Yong, Alex/University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA



Approximation Schemes for signal and image processing

Amos Ron

2009-11-17 ~ 2009-12-21 |KAIST

Lecture 1: Cardinal B-splines and convolution operators Lecture 2: Poisson' summation formula and other prelims Lecture 3: The analysis and synthesis operators, $L_2$ theory Lecture 4: Frames Lecture 5: Principal shift-invariant (PSI) space theory Lecture 6: Linear independence in PSI spaces Lecture 7: Wavelets: basics, quasi-affine systems and extension principles. Lecture 8: wavelets: smoothness analysis. CAP systems. 일시 : 매주 화 목 1:00 - 2:30 (11월 17일 부터) 장소 : KAIST 산경동 3221호 The goal is to provide a glimpse into the basic concerning {it wavelet expansions} or {it wavelet representations}. The attempt will be to describe some of the basics in this field via the approach of {it shift-invariant spaces}. In view of the above, there will be essentially three (closely related) topics discussed in th lectures. (i) Representation of elements in a Hilbert space: The analysis and synthesis operators. Riesz bases, frames, tight frames, dual systems, dual bases, the canonical dual system. (ii) Shift-invariant spaces (one dimension, local PSI theory only): orthogonal proejection, Fourier transform characterization, approximation orders, linear independence, factorization, dual systems. (iii) wavelet systems: definition, the Haar wavelet, the sinc (Shannon) wavelet. Multiresolution analysis. Mallat's constructions. Daubechies' wavelets. Bi-orthogonal systems. Transfer operator analysis: smoothness, Riesz bases. (iv) wavelet frames: dual Gramian analysis of SI systems. Quasi-affine systems. The characterization of wavelet frames. Tight wavelet frames from multiresolution. Extension principles. Compactly supported tight spline frames. CAP/CAMP/LCAMP representations.



2009 NIMS Thematic Program "International Conference on Symplectic Contact Low Dimensional Topology"


2009-11-09 ~ 2009-11-13 |서울대 호암교수회관

Period : November 9 ~ 13 2009 Venue : Sangsan Mathematical Science Building Seoul National University Organizing Committee : Cheol-Hyun Cho (SNU) Yong-Geun Oh ( NIMS Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison) Jongil Park (SNU) minicourses : Ko Honda (University of Southern California) Andras Stipsicz (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Michael Usher (University of Georgia) Invited Speakers : Jae Choon Cha (POSTECH) David Gay (University of Cape Town) Otto van Koert (Hokkaido University) Thomas Mark (University of Virginia) Stefan Mueller (KIAS) Kaoru Ono (Hokkaido University) Mei-Lin Yau (National Central University) Ki-Heon Yun (Sungshin Women's University)



2009 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop "The 13th International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Related Fields"


2009-11-05 ~ 2009-11-07 |Kyungpook National University

Date : 5(Thu)~7(Sat) November 2009 Venue : Faculty Seminar Room College of Natural Sciences Kyungpook National University.Taegu Organizing Committee : Young Jin Suh (KNU) Jaigyoung Choe (KIAS) Yongdo Lim (KNU) Invited Speakers: Jurgen Berndt (King's College London) Mitsuhiro Itoh and Ryutaro Kawakami (Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan) Yoshiyuki Watavabe(Univ. of Towama, Japan) Guoxin Wei (Beijing Inst. of Tech, China) Mayuko Kon (Hokkaido Univ. Japan) Jaeyoo Choy (Kyungpook National Univ. Korea) Jaigyoung Choe (KAIST)



2009 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on KineticTheory and Fluid Dynamics


2009-10-19 ~ 2009-10-24 |서울대학교

Date: October 19th - 21st, 2009 (Short courses) October 22nd - 24th, 2009 (Workshop) Place: Department of Mathematical Sciences (Short courses), Sangsan Mathematical Science Building #101, Seoul National University, Korea (Workshop) Sponsors: SNU BK21-Mathematical Sciences Contents: Short courses, informal discussions, Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics



2009 NIMS Thematic Program " International workshop on Lie algebras and related topics "


2009-10-19 ~ 2009-10-22 |Hotel Spapia Daejeon

Date: October 19 ~22, 2009 Venue: Hotel Spapia Daejeon (www.hotelspapia.com) Speaker List: Susumu Ariki (Kyoto University, Japan) Jon Carlson (University of Georgia, USA) Shun-Jen Cheng (Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei) Soojin Cho (Ajou University, Korea) Vyacheslav Furtony (University of San Paulo, Brazil) Yun Gao (York University, Canada) David Hernandez (National Center for Scientific Research, France) Naihong Hu (East China Normal University, China) Naihuan Jing (North Carolina State University, USA) Vanessa Miemietz (University of Oxford, UK) Daniel Nakano (University of Georgia, USA) Euiyong Park (Seoul National University, Korea)   Brian Parshall (University of Virginia, USA) Alexander Premet (University of Manchester, UK) Weiqiang Wang (University of Virginia, USA)



2009 NIMS-APCTP Joint International workshop "String Theory and Cosmology - Quantum Gravity, Dark Energy and Dark Matter"


2009-09-24 ~ 2009-09-26 |호텔 스파피아

Date: September 24~26 2009 Venue: Hotel Spapia (www.hotelspapia.com) Invited Speakers: Xuelei Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Inyong Cho, Seoul National University, of Technology, Korea Damien Easson, IPMU, Japan Yungui Gong, Chongqing University, China Tiberiu Harko, The University of Hong Kong, China Qing-Guo Huang, KIAS, Korea Hang Bae Kim, Hanyang University, Korea Hyeong Chan Kim, Chungju National University, Korea Yoonbai Kim, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Jae-Weon Lee, Jungwon University, Korea Shinji Mukohyama, IPMU, Japan Yun Soo Myung, Inje University, Korea Soonkeon Nam, Kyung Hee University, Korea Masamune Oguri, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, USA Seong Chan Park, IPMU, Japan Stefano Scopel, Seoul National University, Korea Sang-jin Sin, Hanyang University, Korea Tadashi Takayanagi, IPMU, Japan Takahiro Tanaka, Yukawa Inst. Japan Shinji Tsujikawa, Tokyo University of Science, Japan Hyun Seok Yang, KIAS , Korea Yukinori Yasui, Osaka City University, Japan Piljin Yi, KIAS, Korea Marco Zagermann, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany The main goal of this workshop is to give opportunities of learning and presenting their works on the subject of string theory, cosmology and quantum gravity for students and researchers. This workshop will be held as NIMS-APCTP JOINT WORKSHOP. The program includes a series of presentations for recent progress on String Theory and Cosmology including inflation, dark energy, dark matter, string cosmology and related quantum gravity.



2009 NIMS Thematic Program "International workshop on combinatorial and geometric approach to representation theory"


2009-09-21 ~ 2009-09-24 |Sangsan Mathematical Science Building Seoul National University

Date: September 21~24 2009 Venue: Sangsan Mathematical Science Building Seoul National University Speaker List: Susumu Ariki (Kyoto University, Japan) Vyjayanthi Chari (University of California, USA) Jie Du (University of New Southwales, USA) Alexander Kleshchev (University of Oregon, Austrailia) Atsushi Matsuo (University of Tokyo, Japan) Tetsuji Miwa (Kyoto University, Japan) Satoshi Naito (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Toshiki Nakashima (Sophia University, Japan) Masato Okado (Osaka University, Japan) Arun Ram (University of Melbourn, Austrailia) Daisuke Sagaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Yoshihisa Saito (University of Tokyo, Japan) Alistair Savage (Univeristy of Ottawa, Canada) Anne Schilling (Univeristy of California Davis, USA) Mark Shimozono (Virginia Tech, USA) Toshiyuki Tanisaki (Osaka City University, Japan) Peter Tingley (University of Melbourne, Austrailia) Monica Vazirani (Univeristy of California Davis, USA)
